Megan Lacy Clarksville Family Photographer

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Liberty Park: Family Photo Location Overview

I don’t know what exactly is so captivating about it but us humans sure do love the water! I LOVE when a family wants to do their session near water, but finding a location that is public, has some pretty views, isn’t overrun with other people, and is convenient to get to is tough. That’s quite a few boxes to check! But, I have one that does just that.

Before I get into the nitty gritty… if you’re more of a video person, you might want to watch my overview video below instead!

liberty park for family photos

Liberty Park is one of Clarksville’s largest public parks with great walking paths, a dog park, event centers, views of the Cumberland River, and, one of our favorite features, an AWESOME playground!

Along a stretch of that footpath is a charming little bridge and, hiding underneath, a shallow creek that’s absolutely perfect for a little family splash party! The rocks are practically begging to be hopped across, and the best part? It’s tucked away so we’ll have it mostly to ourselves. Well, we might see a couple of fishermen, but where we’ll be won’t bother them or their fishy friends.

The pros:

Now, it’s one thing to be pretty but I’m always looking for it to be PRACTICAL too. I know of TONS of pretty locations, but if it’s an hour and a half drive and then another 20 minute hike, I’m not keen on taking my whole hot mess express to do photos there.

This spot is super close to parking, so no epic treks for any kiddos. The path down looks steep, but don’t let it fool you. I’ve navigated it in flip-flops—yes, really!—and parents have easily made it down while carrying toddlers at the same time.

One of the best things about this spot is how tucked-away it is. You won’t have to worry about an audience while we’re making fart noises or singing badly on purpose to get those real giggles going (although that’s never stopped me before…). If your little ones are shy or you just want to keep things low-key, this spot is a total win.

The Cons:

But it isn’t for everyone. The path is a little steep, so if it’s rained, it can turn into a slip ‘n slide (minus the fun part). And while it’s perfect for small families, if you’ve got a bigger crew, it might start feeling like a clown car in there. I love keeping things playful during sessions, and with too many people, we might run out of room for all the fun.

Also, if your dream photos involve everyone looking polished and pristine, let’s pick a spot where it’s actually possible to stay that way. We’re going to get a little wet, probably a bit dirty, and so I would only recommend choosing this spot if you have a natural, carefree vibe for this session.

What to bring if you choose Liberty Park for your session:

  • Shoes that won’t betray you on the walk down (or just go barefoot and channel your inner nature lover).

  • A change of clothes for the little ones under 3— they’re closer to the water so they get more wet!

  • A towel or two, just in case.

In short, this hidden gem is quickly becoming one of my favorite spots. It’s got the perfect mix of convenience, variety, and a dash of adventure. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

Ready to go? You can reach out to learn more and get started here or find more info on a Family Session with me here.

Below are just SOME of the gorgeous photos I got for this Clarksville family last week. How precious?!